Inner reactions

If the system classifies information as important, it reacts automatically by changing its state. The type and location of the change depend heavily on the nature and origin of the information. The inner reactions can be triggered both by the desire for something and by the fear of an event. For the sake of simplicity, we will start with threatening information and go through the various stages of inner reactions. Even though external reactions often occur at the same time, these will not be dealt with until the next chapter.

1. physical sensations

The first inner reaction always concerns a physical sensation. This can be redness, sweating, a tingling sensation or even a change in heartbeat or breathing. The purpose of this internal reaction is to cause the system to abandon its current position in order to take the correct action in relation to the information. If the system’s action is successful, the sensation disappears and the system returns to its original state.

2. emotions / feelings

If the system cannot react to the information because a second internal or external piece of information prevents the reaction, a conflict arises. Now other parts of the brain, such as the limbic system, are involved in resolving the conflict and the physical sensations intensify. This makes them more perceptible for the person affected, which is then referred to as an emotion. There are actually only two basic emotions: Firstly, there is the desire for something that the system needs in order to survive, e.g. a partner. This emotion is often referred to as love. Secondly, there is aversion to something that indicates danger. This aversion increases to fear in the event of conflict. All other emotions are gradations of the two just mentioned.

3. inner images, sounds and thoughts

If the system still cannot find a solution to the inner conflict, the intellect is activated. Images and sounds arise, possibly voices in the head, which revolve around the conflict. The unconscious part can then find a solution through these images. Since the system has no concept of time, it works primarily with images and not with logic. This is why images play an important role in resolving conflicts. Images from similar situations that have already been experienced usually also contain a suggested solution. When working through the life strategy, it is therefore also very promising if images and pictorial stories are included. In extremely life-threatening moments of danger, the system may run the entire life movie at lightning speed in order to retrieve all the information stored up to the point of conception. Of course, the “thinker” is also activated with his logical abilities, but he has little chance of finding a solution because he is working on a different level. However, the system often finds the solution in a story or in a previous event that has been experienced and the conflict is over.

4. physical sensation

If the images and sounds in the mind have not brought about a solution to the conflict, the individual forms an opinion about their own role in the situation. This is called “ressenti” (re-perception) in French. It is concluded that if I have no way of resolving the conflict, it must be because of me. Above all, feelings of guilt and inferiority arise with all their gradations. This naturally leads to behavior that other people in the group notice. Questions are asked, people care and so this tactic of the system can also lead to a resolution of the conflict by meeting someone who sees the conflict situation from a neutral perspective and perhaps offers the expected solution.

5. physical symptoms

If the inner feelings do not lead to a solution, the system reacts with physical changes or symptoms. These can be functional failures or tissue and organ changes. This includes all so-called psychosomatic illnesses. Many researchers today assume that all diseases for which the cause is unknown are internal reactions, reactions to unresolved conflicts. If we see the symptom of illness as an escalation in the search for a solution to the conflict, we can ask ourselves how meaningful a symptom of illness can be if it causes the carrier suffering, pain and possibly even death. The illness may unconsciously serve to make fellow human beings empathize, enabling them to offer the sick person a solution to their conflict, as they themselves do not have the symptoms and are not trapped in the problem. Perhaps the illness also used to prevent the person who was ill from being excluded from the group. In addition, the illness often seems to be an unconscious solution, as it provides the sick person with secondary benefits that they usually do not consciously perceive as such.

Compilation of internal reactions

Here we see the increase in attempts to find a solution, symbolized by the red steps. Each stage contains all previous stages. From this we can conclude that someone who has physical symptoms has also formed a personal perception of the situation, that images go through his mind and that he is driven by emotions whose origin was a simple, barely perceptible physical sensation. These inner reactions accompany every behavior. For this reason, it is always important to ask someone who is displaying unusual behavior, such as aggression, what they are feeling inside. This is particularly important with children because they are often afraid to talk about their feelings.

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