Movement, positioning, touch

Permission to touch should always be obtained before induction.
The fact that we do not know what the respondent may associate with physical contact makes it unavoidable.
You should ask permission even if you are conducting a demonstration. We are already very close during a session. I’m sure it’s also a question of respect.

An incident of harassment or physical assault in the past, for example, could trigger a reaction.
from the physical contact or become uncomfortable. The subject may not even consciously remember it. This can happen at any time, regardless of whether we are working on this problem or on something “harmless” for which the subject has come to our practice.

Some hypnotists install a camera in the practice to reassure the client and for their safety.
I have never experienced any difficulties with touch in my practice (not even in cases of abuse). In principle, touch is limited to the hand, arm or head. That’s why I think it’s more important to build up trust in advance and always treat the subject with respect.
Touch also provides security, reassurance and guidance. Withdrawing from it generally restricts communication.

When you greet someone on the street, you don’t ask beforehand whether you can shake their hand or not. Focusing too much on this tends to suggest a problem where there is none!

Caution: Don’t immediately calm them down by touching them if they react badly. This could set an anchor (conditioning). Strong emotion – touch = touch – strong emotion

It is primarily about positioning yourself in relation to the test person in order to be able to optimally control and steer the process. Caution is always required, especially with rapid or flash inductions. If you are too far away, you may not be able to intervene and the subject could fall or otherwise injure themselves. You also need a certain amount of freedom of movement.

There is also a certain intention to deliberately correct the subject’s position in order to establish yourself as an authority, in preparation for what is to come.
Command→Reaction from the subject, Command→Reaction from the subject

The positioning ensures that the subject observes (follows) us and looks there,
where he should position his arm, hand or foot.

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